Constant in Java

Constant in Java

Java is a popular programming language that is widely used in the development of web, mobile, and desktop applications. One important concept in Java is that of constants, which are values that are fixed and cannot be modified once they are set. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at constants in Java and how they can be used in our code.

What is Constant in Java?

In Java, constants are values that are fixed and cannot be changed once they are set. They are typically used to represent values that are not expected to change, such as mathematical constants, physical constants, and other values that are used frequently in a program.

There are two main types of constants in Java: static final constants and final constants. Static final constants are defined using the static and final keywords, and they can be accessed directly from a class, without the need to create an instance of the class. On the other hand, final constants are defined using the final keyword and must be initialized when they are declared. They cannot be changed once they are set.

How to Declare Constant in Java

Declaring constants in Java is straightforward. To declare a static final constant, we can use the following syntax:

public static final dataType CONSTANT_NAME = value;

For example, to declare a static final constant called PI that represents the value of pi, we can use the following code:

public static final double PI = 3.14159;

To declare a final constant, we can use the following syntax:

final dataType CONSTANT_NAME = value;

For example, to declare a final constant called MAX_VALUE that represents the maximum value of an integer, we can use the following code:

final int MAX_VALUE = 2147483647;

It’s worth noting that constants in Java should be written in uppercase letters to differentiate them from variables and other elements in the code.

Using Constant in Java

Once we have declared our constants, we can use them in our code by simply referring to their names. For example, if we have declared a static final constant called PI as shown above, we can use it in our code as follows:

double radius = 5.0;
double circumference = 2 * PI * radius;

In this example, the value of the constant PI is used to calculate the circumference of a circle with a given radius.


In this blog post, we have discussed constants in Java and how they can be used in our code. Constants are an important concept in Java, as they allow us to represent fixed values that are used frequently in a program. By declaring constants, we can make our code more readable and maintainable, as we don’t have to repeat the same values multiple times.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a constant in Java?

In Java, a constant is a variable whose value cannot be changed once it is assigned, typically declared using the final keyword.

How do I declare a constant in Java?

To declare a constant, use the final keyword before the data type, like this:
final int MAX_VALUE = 100;.

What is the naming convention for constants in Java?

By convention, constants in Java are written in uppercase letters with underscores separating words, like MAX_LENGTH or PI_VALUE.

Can I change the value of a constant in Java?

No, once a constant is assigned a value, it cannot be modified during the program’s execution.

What are the benefits of using constants in Java?

Constants improve code readability, make code easier to maintain, and help prevent unintended changes to critical values in your program.