How To Print Git Commit Message In Jenkins Pipeline

In the world of continuous integration and continuous delivery, Jenkins has emerged as a popular choice for automating various stages of software development. One common requirement is to print git commit message in Jenkins pipeline for better traceability and debugging. In this article, we will explore how to achieve this task seamlessly within a Jenkins pipeline.


Before you proceed, ensure the following prerequisites are met:

  • Jenkins is installed and running.
  • A Git repository with relevant commits is available.

Setting Up Jenkins Pipeline

  1. Log in to your Jenkins dashboard.
  2. Create a new pipeline job and configure it according to your project requirements.

Adding a Stage for Printing Git Commit Message

To print the Git commit message within a Jenkins pipeline, follow these steps:

  1. Inside your pipeline script, add a new stage named “Print Commit Message” or a name that suits your pipeline structure.
  2. Within this stage, you’ll need to execute a script that retrieves the latest commit message.

Accessing the Commit Message in the Pipeline

Use the following code snippet to access the most recent Git commit message in a Jenkins pipeline:

stage('Print Commit Message') {
        def commitMessage = sh(script: 'git log -1 --pretty=%B', returnStdout: true).trim()
        echo "Latest commit message: \${commitMessage}"


Please make sure that you’ve run SCM Checkout before printing this message. Because, if you print this before new SCM Checkout then you will have old commit message not the latest one.

Formatting and Customizing the Output

You can format and customize the output according to your preferences. For instance, you might want to include the author’s name, timestamp, or even hyperlink to the commit.

Best Practices for Using Git Commit Messages in Pipelines

  • Keep commit messages concise and meaningful.
  • Use imperative verbs to describe the changes (e.g., “Add feature” instead of “Added feature”).
  • Reference relevant issue numbers or tickets if applicable.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  • Permission Denied: Ensure that Jenkins has the necessary permissions to access the Git repository.
  • Incorrect Output: Double-check the command used to retrieve the commit message and the formatting of the output.


Incorporating Git commit messages into your Jenkins pipeline can significantly improve your development workflow. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can enhance transparency, collaboration, and traceability within your software delivery process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I print commit messages from a specific branch?

Yes, you can modify the Git command within the pipeline script to target a specific branch’s commit history.

Is it possible to customize the commit message format?

Absolutely, you have full control over how the commit message is formatted and displayed in the pipeline output.

Are there any Jenkins plugins that simplify this process?

While there might be plugins available, the approach outlined in this article provides a straightforward and flexible solution.

Can I print commit messages from multiple commits?

Yes, you can adapt the script to loop through multiple commits and print their respective messages.

Is there a character limit to the printed commit message?

There isn’t a strict character limit, but it’s recommended to keep the printed message concise and informative for better readability.

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