Java Swing Tutorial

Swing, a fundamental part of Java’s graphical user interface (GUI) toolkit, enables developers to create interactive and visually appealing applications. It stands as an integral component of the Java Foundation Classes (JFC), providing a wide range of tools to design and implement user interfaces that cater to different platforms. In this Java Swing Tutorial, we’ll dive into the world of Swing, exploring its features, advantages, and how it simplifies Java GUI development with complete example code.

Java Swing and its features

Creating a Simple Swing Application

Setting Up Development Environment

Writing Your First Swing Program

Understanding Swing Components

JFrame: The Main Application Window

JPanel: Container for Components

JButton: Interactive Push Button

JLabel: A component that displays a single line of non-editable text or an image.

JTextField: An input component that allows users to enter and edit a single line of text.

JTextArea: A multi-line text area that allows users to enter and edit larger amounts of text.

JCheckBox: A component that represents a checkbox that can be selected or deselected.

JRadioButton: A component that represents a radio button, allowing users to select a single option from a group.

JComboBox: A combination of a text field and a drop-down list, allowing users to select from predefined options.

JList: A component that displays a list of items that users can select from.

JScrollPane: A component that provides a scrollable view of a larger component, such as a JTextArea or JList.

JSlider: A component that allows users to select a value from a range by dragging a slider.

JProgressBar: A component that visually displays the progress of a task.

JSeparator: A visual separator or divider between components.

JMenuBar: A component that represents a menu bar containing menus.

JMenu: A component that represents a menu with options or sub-menus.

JMenuItem: A component that represents an individual item within a menu.

JToolBar: A component that displays a toolbar with buttons for various actions.

JFileChooser: A dialog for selecting files or directories.

JColorChooser: A dialog for selecting colors.

JDialog: A custom dialog box that can be used to display messages, input forms, or other user interactions.

JTable: A component for displaying and editing tabular data.

JSpinner: A component that allows users to select a numeric value from a sequence.

JTabbedPane: A component that displays multiple tabs, each containing a different set of components.

JTree: A component for displaying hierarchical data in a tree structure.

CardLayout: A layout manager that allows multiple components to be stacked like cards, with only one visible at a time.

Event Handling with Swing

Action Listeners: Responding to Button Clicks

Item Listeners: Handling Item Selections

Layout Management

FlowLayout: Default layout manager for JPanel. Arrange the components in a left-to-right flow, wrapping them to the next line if there is not enough space

GridLayout: Arrange the components in a grid of rows and columns. Each cell in the grid is of the same size.

BorderLayout: Dividing Components into Five Regions

GridBagLayout: Allows components to be positioned in any row or column, and resized as needed.

BoxLayout: Arrange the components either horizontally or vertically in a single line.

Customizing Swing Components

Using Colors

Using different Fonts

Displaying Icons and Images

Swing vs. AWT: A Comparison

AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit)

Advantages of Swing over AWT

Advanced Swing Concepts

Swing Worker Threads: Handling Lengthy Operations

Swing Timers: Implementing Time-Related Tasks

Look and Feel Customization

Nimbus Look and Feel: Modern UI Design

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