Spring Data JPA Projection

Spring Data JPA has become a cornerstone for Java developers, simplifying the way data is accessed and managed in relational databases. One of its powerful features is projection, which allows developers to shape query results according to their needs. In this blog post, we will dive into the world of Spring Data JPA projection, exploring what it is, why it is beneficial, and how to leverage different way of projection effectively.

Understanding Spring Data JPA Projection

Projection in Spring Data JPA refer to the ability to retrieve only a subset of data from an entity. Instead of fetching the entire entity, we can choose specific fields or even create custom projection to get exactly what we need. This optimization can significantly enhance performance, especially when dealing with large datasets.

Types of Projection

Spring Data JPA supports two main types of projections:

  • Interface-based projections and
  • Class-based projections.

Interface-based projections involve creating interfaces with getter methods, while class-based projections use classes with constructors to map the desired fields. Understanding the distinctions between these two approaches is crucial for choosing the right projection type for our use case.

Custom Projection

While Spring Data JPA provides default projections based on interfaces or classes, there are scenarios where we may need a more customized solution. Custom projections allow us to define precisely how the data should be projected by using SpEL (Spring Expression Language) or custom query methods. We’ll explore examples and best practices for creating custom projections that suit our specific requirements.

Performance Benefits

One of the primary motivations for using projections is the performance boost they provide. By fetching only the necessary data, we reduce the amount of data transferred between the database and the application. This not only leads to faster query execution but also minimizes the risk of over-fetching data, especially in scenarios where a subset of fields is sufficient.

Interface-based Projection

Interface-based projection involve creating an interface with getter methods that match the fields we want to project. Spring Data JPA will automatically generate a proxy implementation of the interface.

public interface BookProjection {
    String getTitle();
    String getAuthor();
public interface BookRepository extends JpaRepository<Book, Long> {
    List<BookProjection> findByGenre(String genre);

This approach is concise and clean, making it a popular choice for simple projections.

The Book entity might have many fields or columns but we can fetch only title and author with the projection.

Class-based Projection

Class-based projections use classes with constructors to map the desired fields. This approach provides more flexibility, allowing us to perform custom logic in the constructor.

public class BookProjection {
    private String title;
    private String author;

    public BookProjection(String title, String author) {
        this.title = title;
        this.author = author;

    // getters
public interface BookRepository extends JpaRepository<Book, Long> {
    @Query("select new mypackage.BookProjection(b.title, b.author) from Book b where b.genre =:genre")
    List<BookProjection> findByGenre(String genre);

Dynamic Projection

Spring Data JPA supports dynamic projections also. This allows us to create projections on-the-fly based on the method signature.

public interface BookRepository extends JpaRepository<Book, Long> {
    <T> List<T> findByGenre(String genre, Class<T> type);

Dynamic projections are powerful when the projection structure is not known at compile time. And instead of creating multiple methods in interface to meet different kind of projection we can use only one method like shown in an example above.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Spring Data JPA projection?

Spring Data JPA projection allow developers to retrieve a subset of data from entities, enabling more efficient and optimized data access. Instead of fetching the entire entity, you can choose specific fields or create custom projections to obtain only the necessary data.

How do interface-based projections work?

Interface-based projections involve creating an interface with getter methods that match the fields you want to project. Spring Data JPA generates a proxy implementation of the interface, allowing you to retrieve data with a clean and concise approach.

What is the advantage of dynamic projections?

Dynamic projections allow you to define projections on-the-fly This is particularly useful when the projection structure is not known at compile time, providing a high degree of flexibility.

How do I choose the best projection type for my use case?

The choice depends on the complexity of your use case. Interface-based projections are simple and clean, class-based projections offer flexibility, and dynamic projections provide on-the-fly flexibility. Choose the option that aligns with your specific requirements and strikes the right balance between simplicity and flexibility.

How do I handle custom logic in projections?

Custom logic in projections can be added in the constructor of class-based projections or in custom methods for interface-based projections. This allows developers to perform transformations or additional processing on the projected data according to their specific requirements.

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