java.lang.Long Class in Java

There are many wrapper classes in Java. Among these, the java.lang.Long class is also one of them. This article aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the java.lang.Long class, encompassing its purpose, applications, and advantages.

The java.lang.Long class is an integral part of Java’s standard library, serving as a wrapper for the long primitive data type. The long data type is a 64-bit signed two’s complement integer, spanning a range from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. This class provides various methods and functionalities that allow developers to work seamlessly with long values.

Exploring the Functionality

The java.lang.Long class equips developers with a range of methods to perform operations on long values. Some key functionalities include:

Creating Long Objects

Developers can create instances of the Long class using constructors that accept a long value as an argument:

Long myLong = new Long(123456789L);

Converting Strings to Longs

The class provides a method, parseLong(String s), for parsing strings and obtaining long values:

String numStr = "987654321";
long parsedLong = Long.parseLong(numStr);

Long to String Conversion

The toString() method facilitates converting a Long object to a String:

Long myLong = new Long(555555555L);
String strValue = myLong.toString();

Long Value Comparison

Developers can compare two Long objects using methods like equals(Object obj) and compareTo(Long anotherLong):

Long num1 = new Long(1000L);
Long num2 = new Long(2000L);

if (num1.equals(num2)) {
    // Code for equal values
} else if (num1.compareTo(num2) < 0) {
    // Code for num1 < num2
} else {
    // Code for num1 > num2

Additional Utility Methods

The Long class also offers utility methods for tasks such as getting the long value as a byte or an int and obtaining the hash code of the object.

Advantages of Using the java.lang.Long Class

Incorporating the java.lang.Long class provides several advantages:

  • Wider Range: The long data type’s extensive range is beneficial when dealing with larger numerical values that go beyond the capabilities of other primitive data types.
  • Memory Efficiency: While larger than smaller data types, long is still memory-efficient compared to objects like BigInteger.
  • Precision: For applications requiring high precision, the long data type ensures accurate representation of values.


Is the java.lang.Long class suitable for representing small numbers?

While technically possible, using Long for small numbers is inefficient due to its larger memory footprint.

Can I use arithmetic operations directly on Long objects?

Yes, you can perform arithmetic operations on Long objects just like with primitive long values.

How does the java.lang.Long class handle overflow?

Similar to other numeric types, Long wraps around from the maximum value to the minimum value and vice versa.

Is there a performance difference between using long and Long?

Yes, using the primitive long is generally more efficient in terms of memory and performance compared to using the Long wrapper class.

Can I store Long objects in collections like ArrayList?

Yes, you can store Long objects in collections. However, due to auto-boxing and unboxing, there might be a slight performance impact.

Are there alternatives to the java.lang.Long class for handling large numbers?

Yes, for extremely large numbers, BigInteger can be used. However, it’s important to note that BigInteger comes with higher memory and performance costs.