Logical Operators in Java

In Java, logical operators are used to perform logical operations on boolean expressions. There are three logical operators in Java.

See the list of logical operators in Java below:

&&Short-circuit ANDa && bReturns true if both are true. If a is false b will not be evaluated and returns false.
||Shirt-circuit ORa || bReturns true if anyone is true. If a is true, b will not be evaluated and returns true.
!Logical unary NOT!aReturns true if a is false.

The AND operator (&&) is used to test if two expressions are true. It returns true if both expressions are true, and false if either expression is false. For example:

boolean result = (5 > 3) && (10 < 20);
// result is true because both expressions are true

The OR operator (||) is used to test if at least one of two expressions is true. It returns true if either expression is true, and false if both expressions are false. For example:

boolean result = (5 > 3) || (10 > 20);
// result is true because the first expression is true

The NOT operator (!) is used to negate a boolean value. It returns the opposite boolean value of the expression it operates on. For example:

boolean result = !(5 > 3);
// result is false because the expression 5 > 3 is true

It is important to note that the AND operator has a higher precedence than the OR operator. This means that the AND operator will be evaluated before the OR operator. For example:

boolean result = (5 > 3) && (10 > 20) || (2 < 4);
// result is true because the OR operator returns true

In the example above, the AND operator is evaluated first, resulting in false. However, the OR operator is then evaluated, and because the second expression is true, the overall result is true.

Logical operators are commonly used in control structures such as if-else statements and while loops to control the flow of a program. They are an essential part of programming in Java and are used frequently in a wide range of applications.


What are logical operators in Java, and what is their purpose?

Logical operators in Java, such as “&&” (logical AND), “||” (logical OR), and “!” (logical NOT), are used to perform logical operations on boolean values. They help make decisions based on multiple conditions.

How does the “&&” (logical AND) operator work in Java?

The “&&” operator returns true if both operands are true; otherwise, it returns false. For example, true && false evaluates to false.

What is the difference between the “&&” (logical AND) and “||” (logical OR) operators in Java?

The “&&” operator returns true if both operands are true, while the “||” operator returns true if at least one of the operands is true.

When should I use the “!” (logical NOT) operator in Java?

The “!” operator negates a boolean value. You should use it when you need to reverse the logical value of an expression. For example, !(true) evaluates to false.

Can logical operators be used with non-boolean data types in Java?

No, logical operators are designed to work with boolean values only. They cannot be directly used with other data types. However, you can use them with expressions that evaluate to boolean values.

What happens if I use logical operators with short-circuiting in Java?

Java’s logical operators, such as “&&” and “||,” employ short-circuiting. This means that if the outcome of the expression can be determined by evaluating the first operand, the second operand may not be evaluated. For example, in true && someFunction(), someFunction() will not be called if the first operand is true.

Are logical operators evaluated from left to right in Java?

Yes, logical operators are evaluated from left to right. However, due to short-circuiting, the evaluation may stop early if the result can be determined.

What is the order of precedence for logical operators in Java?

In Java, logical NOT (“!”) has the highest precedence, followed by logical AND (“&&”), and then logical OR (“||”).

Can I chain multiple logical operators in a single expression in Java?

Yes, you can chain multiple logical operators in a single expression to create complex conditions. Just be aware of operator precedence and short-circuiting.

Can logical operators be used in switch statements in Java?

No, logical operators cannot be used directly in switch statements. Switch statements are designed for constant values and enumerated types.

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