Pass by Value in Java

Pass by value in Java is a method of passing parameters to a method. When a parameter is passed by value, a copy of the value of the parameter is made and passed to the method. Any changes made to the copy of the parameter within the method do not affect the original parameter.

Pass by value in Java example

Following is an example of pass by value in Java:

public class PassByValue {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int x = 10;
        System.out.println("The value of x before calling the changeValue() method is: " + x);
        System.out.println("The value of x after calling the changeValue() method is: " + x);

    public static void changeValue(int y) {
        y = 20;
        System.out.println("The value of y inside the changeValue() method is: " + y);

In this example, the variable x is passed by value to the method changeValue(). The method then changes the value of y to 20. However, the change to y does not affect the original value of x, which is still 10.

The output of the program is:

The value of x before calling the changeValue() method is: 10
The value of y inside the changeValue() method is: 20
The value of x after calling the changeValue() method is: 10

As we can see, the value of x is not changed by the call to the changeValue() method. This is because x was passed by value to the method, and a copy of the value of x was made. The method then changed the value of the copy, but the original value of x was not affected.

When to use pass by value

Pass by value should be used in Java when:

  • We do not want changes to the parameter to be reflected in the calling method.
  • We want to avoid the overhead of passing a reference.

When not to use pass by value

Pass by value should not be used in Java when:

  • We want changes to the parameter to be reflected in the calling method.
  • We need to access the original object reference.


Pass by value in Java is a simple and efficient way to pass parameters to methods. However, it is important to be aware of the limitations of pass by value, and to use it appropriately.


What is “pass by value” in Java?

In Java, “pass by value” means that when we pass an argument to a method, we are actually passing a copy of the value stored in the variable, not the variable itself. Any changes made to the parameter inside the method do not affect the original variable.

Can you give an example of “pass by value” in Java?

When we pass a primitive data type (e.g., int, float) as an argument to a method, we are using “pass by value.” For example, if we pass an int variable to a method and modify it inside the method, the original variable remains unchanged.

Are objects in Java passed by reference or by value?

In Java, objects are passed by value of reference. This means that when we pass an object as an argument to a method, we are passing a copy of the reference (memory address) to the object, not the object itself. Any changes made to the object’s state inside the method are reflected in the original object.

How does “pass by value” work with objects in Java?

When we pass an object to a method, we pass a copy of the reference to that object. This means that changes made to the object’s attributes or fields inside the method are visible outside the method because they are acting on the same object in memory. However, we cannot change the reference itself to point to a different object.

Can you explain the difference between “pass by value” and “pass by reference”?

Yes, In “pass by value,” a copy of the value (primitive data type or reference to an object) is passed to the method, and any changes made inside the method do not affect the original variable. In “pass by reference,” the actual reference or memory address of the variable is passed, allowing changes inside the method to modify the original variable.

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