JDesktopPane and JInternalFrame in Java Swing

Both JDesktopPane and JInternalFrame in Java are Swing components that can be used to create desktop applications with multiple windows.

JInternalFrame is a container that represents a subwindow within a main window. It is typically used to display information or allow user interaction within the main window. JInternalFrame is designed to be used within a JDesktopPane, which manages the positioning and layout of multiple JInternalFrames.

JDesktopPane, on the other hand, is a container that holds one or more JInternalFrames. It provides a workspace for arranging and managing multiple internal frames within a single application window. JDesktopPane allows users to move, resize, and minimize/maximize individual JInternalFrames as if they were separate windows.

To conclude, JInternalFrame is a component that represents a subwindow within a main window, while JDesktopPane is a container that holds multiple JInternalFrames and manages their layout within a single application window.

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