Skip to content- JFrame: A top-level container that represents a window with a title bar and can hold other Swing components.
- JPanel: A lightweight container used to organize other components.
- JButton: A component that represents a clickable button with text or an icon.
- JLabel: A component that displays a single line of non-editable text or an image.
- JTextField: An input component that allows users to enter and edit a single line of text.
- JTextArea: A multi-line text area that allows users to enter and edit larger amounts of text.
- JCheckBox: A component that represents a checkbox that can be selected or deselected.
- JRadioButton: A component that represents a radio button, allowing users to select a single option from a group.
- JComboBox: A combination of a text field and a drop-down list, allowing users to select from predefined options.
- JList: A component that displays a list of items that users can select from.
- JScrollPane: A component that provides a scrollable view of a larger component, such as a JTextArea or JList.
- JSlider: A component that allows users to select a value from a range by dragging a slider.
- JProgressBar: A component that visually displays the progress of a task.
- JSeparator: A visual separator or divider between components.
- JMenuBar: A component that represents a menu bar containing menus.
- JMenu: A component that represents a menu with options or sub-menus.
- JMenuItem: A component that represents an individual item within a menu.
- JToolBar: A component that displays a toolbar with buttons for various actions.
- JFileChooser: A dialog for selecting files or directories.
- JColorChooser: A dialog for selecting colors.
- JDialog: A custom dialog box that can be used to display messages, input forms, or other user interactions.
- JTable: A component for displaying and editing tabular data.
- JSpinner: A component that allows users to select a numeric value from a sequence.
- JTabbedPane: A component that displays multiple tabs, each containing a different set of components.
- JTree: A component for displaying hierarchical data in a tree structure.
- CardLayout: A layout manager that allows multiple components to be stacked like cards, with only one visible at a time.