FlowLayout in Java Swing

FlowLayout is a layout manager in Java Swing that arranges components in a row, wrapping to the next row if necessary. The components are laid out from left to right, with a default gap of 5 pixels between them.

To use FlowLayout in our Java Swing application, we can create a new instance of the FlowLayout class and set it as the layout manager of a container such as a JPanel.

Following is an example to use FlowLayout in Java Swing:

import java.awt.FlowLayout;

import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;

public class FlowLayoutDemo extends JPanel {
	public FlowLayoutDemo() {
		// Create a new FlowLayout with left alignment and a 10-pixel gap between
		// components
		FlowLayout layout = new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 10, 10);

		// Add some components to the panel
		add(new JButton("Button 1"));
		add(new JButton("Button 2"));
		add(new JButton("Button 3"));
		add(new JButton("Button 4"));
		add(new JButton("Button 5"));

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		JFrame frame = new JFrame();
		frame.add(new FlowLayoutDemo());
		frame.setSize(300, 200);


Flow Layout Demo
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